
Saturday, September 20, 2003

In a very short amount of time I will be moving halfway across the country -1,093 miles to be exact, roughly an 18 hour drive. With this new life change upon me, I decided to start to get things in order to go. First thing was first, it was imperative to secure a place to live. After much thought and deliberation (which really I'm half insane to even consider it) I have decided I will live in a house with my brother, and two complete strangers. Of course, only until the Shiva can get a place with me in January. Anyway, I needed to call my brother.

There is a little bit you should know about my brother and me. You see, we are polar opposites. Everything I am, he is not; everything I am not, he is. That is why when I announced that I'm moving in with him temporarily, people actually laughed out loud. In fact, the only thing we really have in common is a shared understanding of the insanity we refer to as our parents, and our red hair.

So, I call...and the amazing thing is: my brother answers. This is shocking!! I have not lived in a close proximity of my sibling for the past eight years and this is the first time he actually answered the phone when I called. This was nice, because it meant I wouldn't have to leave a message that he would forget to return anyway. As I mentioned, my brother and I are completely different - he is somewhat anti-social.

We do the usual talk about the cost of rent, the fact that he will defer a deposit, and that luckily I get one of the bigger rooms. All is going well until he says, "So, I have a favor to ask you for one of the guys who lives here. I told him that if it comes down between you and him on this issue, I will side with you." So, I'm thinking what could it be?

"Well, Christina, my one roommate smokes pot and wants to know if it's okay with you if he continues to do it as long as it's in the backyard in a location where the neighbors can't see him."

Here's the thing...what do you say to that? 'Umm, no I'm fine with drugs as long as he shares' or 'Wow, I get to live with a real-life toker? All the dreams of my future are actually coming true' or 'NO, I am a huge jerk, and will insist that a guy who has lived there a year longer than I, has to accommodate my personal standards and expectations'.

I said none of this, instead I stated, "I doubt I'll even notice, what doesn't affect my life, I don't care about." With that question resolved my brother and I slipped into normal conversation. All was fine until he said, "Yea, I didn't know I'd need to find two roommates this month. If Jeff* hadn't pulled that gun on Frank* the living situation would be set."

This is where my nervousness heightens, "Who pulled a gun on what?"

I mean seriously drugs and guns? What is my life succumbing to? This 'moving in with my brother' thing is turning into an R-rated episode of The Real World!

He went on to explain that it was actually only a BB gun, that there was currently a restraining order against Jeff*, and that obviously he would be moving out before I arrived. So to say the least (and I mean the very least) I am still going to live there for the next three months. However, the insanity does offer the possibility of three positives:

1. My life with the lower class could make for some great blogging.

2. I might get to meet a real-life drug addict.

3. Maybe I can help my brother meet some new people.

Besides, there's tons of positives of moving back as a whole. I get to be in a town I love - around some of the funniest people I know and I get to be in a place where it snows at Christmastime! It doesn't get better than that. Well, actually...not living in a place where I fear for my life would be better. With that being said, I am off to pack.

* names changed to protect the so-called innocent
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Friday, September 19, 2003

In case you didn't know...I am a girly girl. For as long as I can remember I have gravitated towards the color pink and things that sparkle. I enjoy a pedicure and think that anything with butterflies is just simply cuter. However, it took me awhile to completely embrace my femininity.

You see, I think in some ways, women are their own worst enemies. And when it comes to the chasm between women who like their make-up and ladies who shun the ritual - the canyon grows wider. You see, I have always had friends who choose not to be girly. Instead, they play baseball with the boys, wear their hair in ponytails, and refuse to own anything that shows off their best assets. This may sound like I'm bitter about their lack of girliness, but in reality, I could care less. What actually annoys me is when one of these so called "guy's girls" turns to me with a look of disgust as I come home from shopping to say, "Christina, you are SO girly."

Now I'm confused. I am a girl (which is the original word that the terminology girliness stems from) so why is it bad to encompass those attributes. When did it become a negative thing to actually want to dress up only to go out and look pretty? And to be perfectly honest, I could even get over the fact that I am repeatedly told how girly I am - if it wasn't for the fact that I am the same girl that my friends seek out to dress them up for certain occasions.

For instance, that same soccer adorned girl who refuses to own any kind of hair product besides 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, is the same one who finds me to do their hair and make-up when they get asked out on a date. And usually at some point in the middle of the hoopla, they end up borrowing an outfit that is completely compiled from my closet. That's right, I'm "too girly" until it comes to necessary grooming for girls who don't have a clue. And do I ever turn to them with my hands on hips and say, "Well, I just don't understand... why YOU aren't girly?" No, I smile and say I will help, because I know something they don't.

I know that it's okay to be a girl and not have your room decorated in flowers, but I also realize that it is okay to love shoes, regardless of how cliche' of a girly hobby that is. I also know that it's okay that I naturally enjoy video games, action movies, and mud football - and that none of it counteracts the fact that I am a girly girl. So I will continue to love anything in pastels, adorn a heart tattoo and own a purse collection that enables me to match any outfit. I just think it would be interesting to ask, why is it that in a society where we tell guys to get in touch with their feminine side, we warn women away from it?

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Thursday, September 18, 2003

So it turns out I'm now joining the ranks of my friends. I have tried rather hard to not jump on the bandwagon, since I had a variety of reasons why blogging was an unnecessary activity, but have recently convinced myself this is a good idea. Why do I think this is a good idea you ask? (Actually you probably didn't ask that. In fact, I doubt you even care. But because this is my first post I know that you will be intrigued enough to read it start to finish regardless of how interesting it proves to be.) To answer your question let's begin with some reasons I was given to not start a blog.

Reasons not to Blog:

1. As stated by adults who are past their prime and too technically incompetent to even unlock the keys of their own cell phones: "Blogs are a waste of time."

2. "They take over your life."

3. It may not even be remotely humorous enough to provide a chuckle for the reader who takes the time to read it.

Now I will happily debunk these reasons, as I did in my own head. First off, I do concede that blogs are a waste of time. I mean get serious - they don't teach any new skills, empower you to greater heights, or help you gain vast recognition. However, what in life really does that? Everyday humans waste time on frivolous hobbies. A couple examples are: sewing (I mean hello! it's 2003, now you can just buy clothes) or the most dreaded one of all (in my opinion) - model trains. What the crap are those miniature mobiles for?

On to reason #2: they take over your life. Yea, not a lot to say about that, except I don't think it will happen to me. I have a tendency to jump into things for kicks and in three months I'm over it. At that point in time, I will simply stop posting.

Finally, reason #3: I have to admit, at times this blog probably won't be funny...in fact it might suck. But recently I have experienced a variety of outrages, frustrations, and downright absurdity that needs to be addressed. Therefore, my blog is my outlet and if you don't like it...just don't tell me. :) I would rather be lied to, then know the truth if it's bad.

With my reason and logic revealed I now unleash for all the world to see, my blog...it really is rather anticlimactic (even for me).
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