
Friday, March 26, 2004

Another Friday has come and gone...now the question awaits me. What will I do over the weekend?

There is one side of me that would like to climb into bed at 5 o'clock Friday evening only to awake Sunday at noon, grab a latte, read a chapter in a book, have a big lunch, laugh over my favorite movie and return to bed shortly after 7:00pm. Ahh...the perfect end to a long week.

In reality: I will rush around all weekend trying to connect with all the people I didn't have time for during the week and make it a point to fit in some hiking, climbing, one or two movies, a half dozen deep conversations, a moment for self reflection, and a Sunday packed with church, food and fellowship (wow - that line was cheesy!) Really though, the break is gone in a flash...but hey that's what they call living, right?
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So I have decided that file folders are a way to PRETEND that you are organized.

You put stuff in them, label them neatly, and then align them in a cabinet with others just like them.

And on the outside you look like a person who has it together - every paper neatly placed in it's color coded folder.

What people don't know is that - you are living a lie. Because beneath those file folders is truly a disorganized soul - just trying to make sense of the paper, information, and chaos they call their job.
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