
Thursday, April 15, 2004

I saw an old school Volkswagen Beetle off roading the other day. It was beyond humorous. The passengers were comprised of two high school kids, a boy and a girl, and they looked like they were enjoying themselves. The vehicle itself bounced rather precariously, but they looked energized, gleeful - kind of like the image of the car itself. And I thought - how great - as I drove past them in my 2000 Volkswagen Beetle with a new paint job and leather interior. Apparently with age comes a little bit more style, and hopefully some more wisdom. But I think I'd rather be a little younger, and still dumb enough to not care that I am off roading in a car that could easily be damaged. Instead of thinking "what fun it looks like" as I drive by on the neatly, safe, paved road.
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Thursday, April 08, 2004

So today is my birthday. Not really a big deal - even if there has been some debate over whether or not 23 years of age is old. I would like to say it is...however, all of my co-workers argue rather adamantly that it is not. Except our IT guy, who willingly agreed with me that 23 is indeed old. To which I was very offended.

I don't know what worries me more. The fact that I am 23 and still act about 17, or that the only birthday greetings I have received in my email inbox this morning were from groups I was less than proud to admit my affiliation with. Let alone have them be the people who remembered my birthday.

The first birthday greeting came from Delia's (a clothing store). This was somewhat exciting since I do get a gift certificate for $5 off my next purchase. However, there clothing is mainly designed for girls between the ages of 12 and 16 - so the fact that I still readily shop there is somewhat scary.

Next, my radio station Club membership sent me a birthday greeting. This one wasn't too shameful, except for the fact that the station plays primarily club, rap, and hip-hop music. Once again belying the age group that I truly do belong too. I was happy to get it though since it came with a gift certificate to the Melting Pot for a free bottle of wine or a chocolate fondue.

Finally - the last one is truly the hardest to admit. I received a greeting card from eharmony.com. This was due to the fact that I recently took their personality profile (for fun) and then have sporadically (really I'm not obsessed with it) checked back on the site to see if I have any "matches". Matches are apparently the .3% of guys out there who are absolutely perfect for me - but that I can't meet in a bar, walking down the street, or through a friend. Apparently the only way to meet anyone compatible with you in this century is through such places as eharmony.com. The sad part is that they gave me nothing to brighten my birthday. In fact, they just stated that they hope it's good and that I look forward to the possibility in the coming months when I have MORE love in my life. As if to presume that I do not have enough love in my present life. (Have I mentioned that the .3% doesn't exist for me? It's true - I have no matches. I like to say that this just reiterates the idea that I am truly unique - in a good way.)

Of course, none of my family or friends have sent me an email or greeting card for my special day - thus making me feel like there is a lack of love. I am lying though, my mom sent me a package that arrived on Monday, so she came through with flying colors. And in reality, I have lots of quality (tangible) people in my life who prefer phone calls and face-to-face interaction to wish me a happy birthday, so that is what I am looking forward to in the rest of my day...well that, and the free bottle of wine at the Melting Pot.
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