
Monday, May 17, 2004

So I didn't know that melanin would ever be the bane of my existence. But alas, I feel it is. What's melanin you ask? Well, let me tell you. It's the natural item in your skin that allows areas to be dark - it's an item that (to some degree) determines the natural pigment of your skin. (This is a rough definition mind you.) Melanin is what allows you to tan. Part of tanning is building up the melanin in your skin in order to handle and maintain a tan longer. Enough said about that...

The point is that I was walking down a mainstreet on Saturday night after a little bit of drinky drink. Which was probably a bad idea anyway since I had decided to go Betty Ford, but decided to screw the whole thing and jump off the wagon for the hell of it. Back to my story though...

I was walking down the street with my other intoxicated friends when some guys in a vehicle start yelling something at me from the window. As all good Betty Ford girls would do if they were sober...I ignored the belligerent males and kept walking. However as they drove past in their large vehicle, one of their rather large heads was stuck out the window to yell, "Get a tan!"

Now at this point I'm offended. Is it my fault that I am naturally pale? I think not. Would we ever tell a person of Hispanic or African decent to "Lighten the hell up"? I think not, it seems a bit crass to say the least, and downright racist to say the most! The point is - why is it that society CHOOSES to accept certain color pigmentation over others. And don't get me wrong - I will darken up. I mean I do fake 'n bake like all appearance obsessed girls my age do - but in the meantime I find it utterly wrong to comment on my creamy complexion!
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