
Friday, September 10, 2004

It is currently 4:00pm on a Friday afternoon and my brain officially checked out from work about 3 hours ago. I hate my job...okay I shouldn't say that. In reality, I really love my job. It keeps me busy, I'm usually well appreciated, it's fast-paced, interesting, diverse and I enjoy being around the majority of my co-workers.

However, I am always bored towards the end of the day, which becomes even more noticeable on Friday. I would say that all employers should set there minions free at 3:00 on Fridays, but that would just mean that I would check out of work mode around 10am, instead of waiting for the justifiable time of 1pm.

Have you ever been in front of a computer at work and asked yourself - is this my calling? I know it sounds cheesy, but fairly often, I do exactly that. Am I destined to do this forever? Am I a product of my culture that says I have to be entertained in everything I do, including a job? And the saddest part of all of this is that I am only writing this blog to appropriately avoid doing any actual work. It is a sad, sad day - but at least now I only have 55 minutes till I get to head home. Yoohoo that's less than an hour!

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